Companies must be in target group dialogue throughout the entire customer journey. Messenger platforms and their own website offer immense opportunities here. But for many, chat bots are still impersonal dialogue models, too expensive and too complex anyway. Here are 3 facts that disprove this - admittedly not completely wrong - impression.
Customer-centric, User Experiences and Customer Journeys - companies around the world are facing enormous challenges in meeting the demands of heterogeneous target groups who expect a high-quality customer dialogue that is available at all times and tailored to their needs. The increasing use and acceptance of messengers is also leading to a paradigm shift in communication: target groups are looking for personal conversations at eye level with companies - whose one-sided placement of more or less credible advertising messages is becoming increasingly irrelevant.
Dialogue chat offers based on artificial intelligence have been tried and tested communication tools with a lot of potential for a few years now, which, however, has not yet been fully exploited. Rigid dialogue models, complex set-up and maintenance projects are only the most important challenges that need to be overcome.
Our dialogue engine not only enables a natural and organic course of conversation with an AI assistant, but also goes one step further to establish real relationships at eye level. Relationships that are essential for brand loyalty and thus for the success of the company. From now on, our chatbot improves its understanding intelligently and independently in direct interaction with the customer via active learning functions. This includes both the automated improvement of training data and the independent optimization of learning environments.
An active learning and intelligent performance of the chatbot in dialogue leads to significantly better results in the areas of customer service and e-commerce. Happier customers with strong brand loyalty are the result. Create a relationship and you'll never have to advertise again.
A frequently expressed concern reaches us again and again: Artificial Intelligence and Automated Machine Learning is only for highly specialized developers. Above all, the problems associated with such a sophisticated technology when it comes to integrating it into a company's own projects, structures and processes mean that the effort and expense involved is often beyond the scope of the project. Unfortunately, dealing with complex technologies often means that the much more important content work falls by the wayside. If you want to use Conversational AI in an enterprise context in a goal-oriented and uncomplicated way and are not looking for the development challenge of highly complex AI processes, you have come to the right place. Because our platform is the only product that quickly and easily delivers a sophisticated, cloud-based solution without having to spend endless hours training and optimizing AI models, or worrying about infrastructure and designing dialog routines. Finally, the focus can be placed on the appropriate content and statements. How to do this? Via an easy-to-use platform that can be handled intuitively by everyone and that functions as simply as a web editor on its user interface. This way, the chatbot is always under control during set up and maintenance and you have full control over the intents and contents - while at the same time 100% compliance with data protection regulations. Or: Without codes to the top.
Communication measures must be successful in terms of measurable and transparent KPIs. This also means the use of communication tools, the expenditure of which must be justified in the context of the achievement of objectives. Likewise, today's communication challenges require quickly deployable and agile solutions to successfully master the ever more dynamically changing market conditions. For the first time, we offer all the building blocks for setting up an AI chat solution that exploits all current technical possibilities in automated customer dialogue that, due to its ease of use, is at the same time as flexible as it can be. That is made possible through an intuitive user interface that requires no previous knowledge. This eliminates costly work for developers when setting up, maintaining and servicing the chatbot. In addition, the content support of the AI Assistant is now greatly simplified and reduced to a minimum of time - with maximum agility and flexibility at the same time. It is therefore finally possible to concentrate on the essential advantages that AI-supported customer dialogues bring: The right communication statements at the right time and a target group dialogue at eye level. It drastically reduces time-to-market processes, achieves KPIs and brings the total cost of ownership for a sophisticated conversational AI solution into an attractive ratio. Because at the end of the day, communication measures must result in a noticeable ROI - namely when costs and benefits are finally in each other's arms.